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   In Phi Sigma Sigma, we continually encourage our sisters to aim high both within and outside of the classroom. Our sisters achieve success while balancing demanding course loads, involvement on campus, sports seasons, and activity within the sorority. As of the start of the Spring 2018 semester, Phi Sig's average GPA is ranked 1st of all the sororities' and 2nd of the 17 Greek Houses' on campus, with a semester average of 3.593 in F'16.


  We create an atmosphere of positivity and dedication to our studies by recognizing each success, no matter how big or small. We celebrate sisters with high or greatly improved GPAs, we cheer each other on for A grades on smaller assignments, and we organize study rooms during the semester and final exam period. Additionally, the Scholarship Chair works to help any and all sisters with whatever they may need, including internship advice, tutors, or an academic improvement plan.


Phi Sigma Sigma strives to continue its excellence for the semesters to come!

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